I could still feel Bean move - in fact I thought he must really enjoy moon walking on Mommy's bladder, I have a future soccer star in utero! I also had a very light discharge. Again, I didn't worry at the time because I knew the further along in your pregnancy the more discharge you will notice.
As the day progressed so did the pain. By later afternoon I finally had thought, "Could this be labor? Could these pains be contractions?" I looked up preterm delivery on the internet and my world crashed around me. I knew I was in labor. The discharge was actually my membrane. And those growing pains were in fact contractions.
I called my doctor and she told me to come in to see her the next morning. If I started bleeding I was to go to the emergency room immediately. At 9pm that night I began bleeding. I went to Northside hospital here in Atlanta and they quickly admitted me and confirmed that I was having contractions and I was dilating. It was my worst nightmare.
Scott is an amazing man. I couldn't live without him, especially now. He has been my rock through all of this. He held my hand and reassured me that I was in the best hands I could be and that Bean and I were right where we needed to be. And boy did that turn out to be correct! I was put on medicine to attempt to stop labor. If that was successful then I would be stitched and put on bedrest to deter this pregnancy from premature delivery.
At 9am on Thursday 10/4, my contractions were ceasing but I was dilated to 3 cm. We were consulted by Neonatal in case I did deliver prematurely. At this time everything was being treated as precaution. After the Neonatal nurse left, I told Scott I felt like I was about to pass out. It was 12:10pm. The nurse came in and checked me and I had dilated to 8cm. At that moment I can tell you I was the most frightened I have ever been in my life. The on call obstetrician came in, introduced himself and told me that I had to deliver this baby via Cesarean right then. I was wheeled to the OR by myself (no one could be in there with me since I was put completely out), put to sleep, delivered my baby and was back awake by 12:45pm.
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