Luke Randall Malone was born on Thursday October 4th, 2012 at 12:34pm. He was 1 lb, 10.5 oz and was 12 3/4 inches long. He was only 24 weeks gestational age.
Scott was able to go right up to NICU with Luke when he was born. I had to wait until I had been out of surgery for 12 hours. I finally met Luke at 12am 10/5/2012. He was the most beautiful baby I had ever laid eyes on. He was my baby. He was my miracle. At the moment my eyes fell on my sweet son I knew I would die right then and there to have him grow and be strong and never know the struggles to get him where he was at.
Luke is 6 days old today. He is a true miracle and a true fighter. Everyday it gets better and worse at the same time. He is progressing - to be such a young gestational age he's very advanced. His lungs are functioning on their own, he is tolerating and digesting his food, he is very active and he's very strong.
Our concern right now is with his heart. All babies have a valve that supplies blood to the lungs. This valve closes when they are born because it's no longer needed. With preemies this valve doesn't close on its own so easily. Luke's valve is still open. He was started on medication today to attempt to close this valve. If the medication does not work, he will need to be operated on. This is so scary to us. I couldn't imagine someone doing surgery on my sweet baby boy. He is getting another echo in the am to see if the medication is working. Prayers it is!
We are here every step of the way girlie...prayers all the time by many...know this.. :)
ReplyDeleteHe is doing great and so lucky to have you for his Mommie.. :)))
Hugz and Kisses..
Wow, Melissa, wow. You are so strong! I remember our days at GCSU and you and Scott back then, it is truly a love story between you two, and now a new love story with Luke! Even thought I have been following everything on Facebook, I just read your posts in order. I am sitting here crying. You are amazing and Luke is so lucky to have you and Scott! Hang in there girl, keep us updated, and just know that you are on our minds and hearts!