Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our Sweet Bean

So here's the story of our sweet little bean ..

Scott and I knew we wanted children, we just figured we would wait until I finished school. So when I found out I was pregnant it was a MAJOR surprise. But a welcomed one! My sweet Bean was not planned at all. 

I had felt sick for about a month, but thought it was digestive issues. But when I got so sick I threw up on myself on the way to work, I knew something more was up. I usually beat Scott home from work in the afternoon so I went straight to the store and bought a pack of pregnancy tests. I took the first one and it was positive. I took the rest of the pack (6 total) and they were all positive. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't believe I was actually pregnant. This was May 31st, 2012, just a couple weeks after our 4th wedding anniversary. 

I told Scott when he got home that it was looking like we were having a baby. I can't describe the look on his face but it was the happiest I think I had seen my love in a long time. He was ecstatic! But we did go to the store and buy another pack of pregnancy tests to make sure. All were positive. ;) 

I went to the doctor on June 6th, 2012 and she confirmed my pregnancy. That was one of the happiest days of my life. I went back on June 20th and had my first ultrasound. I was 9 weeks pregnant and my sweet baby looked just like a butter-bean. That is where I got the nickname from. Everyone was beyond excited for us! We were having our first baby and they had an expected due date of January 22nd 2013. 

I must say I tried to have the most perfect pregnancy I could. I quit all my bad habits cold turkey and some were way more difficult than others, lol! My pregnancy started out very rocky. Morning sickness - actually whole entire day sickness - plagued the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy! But I knew it would be worth it when I was holding my sweet little bean in my arms. I felt great once the morning sickness subsided. I had a couple of spotting scares in my first trimester but nothing that endangered my sweet bean. I found out on September 21st that my sweet bean was a sweet baby boy! A new love grew inside me knowing that. I just couldn't wait to love on this precious baby boy! 

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